Wylie ISD Food Service

  • Welcome to the Wylie ISD Food Service Department! We are dedicated to enhancing your student's academic performance while meeting or exceeding all state and federal government guidelines.

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    Kristi Landeros                                           Dusti Mason          
    Food Service Director                                        Assistant Food Service Director      
    325-692-4353 ext. 1018                                325-692-4353  ext. 1017                      
    kristi.landeros@wyliebulldogs.org                   dusti.mason@wyliebulldogs.org


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a link between good eating habits and student performance in school? 

    According to numerous studies, children who eat healthy meals score higher on tests, have better attendance, make fewer trips to the school nurses, and have fewer disciplinary problems. School meals play a critical role, as they provide students with healthy, low cost nutritionally balanced meals.

    Who sets the portion sizes?  

    The government sets meal portion sizes. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) determines age-appropriate serving sizes of meats/meat alternates, fruits, vegetables, bread/grain products and milk. Each school district that participates in the National School Lunch Program, and other child nutrition programs, must meet their requirements.

    What should I do if my child requires special diet modifications? 

    Wylie ISD can accommodate special dietary needs. A statement signed by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, or another recognized medical authority must support requests for special diet modifications. The signed statement must be provided to the school nurse, who will forward it to the school’s cafeteria manager and the Child Nutrition Department. Meal pricing is not affected by dietary modifications.

    Is my child getting the nutrients he/she needs from school meals? 

    Wylie ISD follows nutritional guidelines set by the US government. Meals are analyzed to insure compliance with federal nutrition requirements.  

    Our health initiatives include:

    • Utilize high quality products

    • Offer fresh fruit and vegetables daily 

    • Use fresh and frozen vegetables vs. canned when possible

    • Offer fresh salads daily at the West Junior High, East Junior High and High School campuses

    • Increase complex carbohydrates (i.e. whole grain products)

    • Use low-fat turkey franks instead of higher-fat hot dogs

    • Use only low-fat mozzarella cheese on pizzas and in cheese sticks

    • Offer “no sugar added” 100% fruit juices• Offer assorted low-fat milks 

    Does my child have to purchase an entire meal?  

    Students who receive free/reduced meal benefits, or who pay for a reimbursable meal, must take at least three (3) of five (5) items (called components) offered. For optimum nutrition, we strongly recommend that students take all available meal items. A reimbursable meal is much less expensive than the same items purchased a la carte, therefore students who get the complete meal are smart shoppers too!

    Students are permitted to purchase just the entrée, or side dishes, on an a la carte basis.

    How Do I purchase meals for my Child?  

    Payments may be made daily, weekly, monthly or yearly by sending checks or cash with your student. Online purchases using a credit card can be made by logging into the Wylie web store.  The link for the Web Store is located on the district homepage in the left margin.  If you are paying by check, please write your student’s name and student ID number in the memo section of the check. Cash payments are preferred in an envelope with the students name and ID number on the front of the envelope. Deposits can be made before school, during breakfast or during lunch. Online purchases may be made anytime and go directly into your students account for immediate use. 

    Can I restrict my child’s purchase of snack foods?

    You may place specific restrictions on your child’s cafeteria account by calling the Child Nutrition Office (692-4353 ext 1018) or an email request to kristi.landeros@wyliebulldogs.org  Special dietary needs/allergies that require us to substitute a meal or snack item will require a note signed by a licensed health care provider.

    How can I check the balance of my child’s account?

    The cafeteria uses an automated payment system referred to as the Point of Sale (POS).

    This allows prepayments to be posted as well as tracks all sales/purchases. Additionally, the POS has the ability to place messages on a student account to alert the cashier of any food allergy, notations or limitations. The POS also provides transaction reports for all student cafeteria sales/purchases which are available upon request. Parents can log on to their Family Access account and go to the foodservice tab to find account balances and other foodservice information.  You may also request specific information about your account from the food service director.

    What happens to the money in my child’s account at the end of the school year? What if we move, what happens to my student’s money?

    At the end of each school year any remaining account balance is transferred to the student's account for the following year. If you are graduating or relocating you may request a refund. We do ask that your student's meal account be kept up-to-date except for on a short-term basis in emergency situations.  If you are not able to keep your student's account current please consider applying for free or reduced meals.

     How do I find out if my child/children qualify for free or reduced-priced meals?

    A parent or guardian must first complete an application for free/reduced priced meal benefits. Applications are available online at www.wyliebulldogs.org through Family Access beginning August 1, 2023.  Instructions for applying online are available on the district website under the "Parent tab" in the subheading "Child Nutrition."  Once the application is submitted and processed, the parent/guardian will be contacted by e-mail and informed whether or not their child/children qualify for the meal benefits.

    How often does a free/reduced application need to be completed?

    A new application must be completed each school year.

    Will parents need to pay for a child’s lunch until the application is processed?


    Once the child is approved for the free and reduced meals, who pays for the previous negative balances?

    The parent or guardian. The government will only pay for meals after the date the application is approved.

    What is the School's policy on charging meals?
    The District allows students to charge breakfast and lunch meals as needed in the regular meal lines in accordance with the law.  However, students are not permitted to charge snack bar or a la carte items.  Meal Charges will be permitted according to the following:

    If a student's account goes negative in balance, students are allowed to charge up to 5 reimbursable breakfast and 5 reimbursable lunches.

    Students are not allowed to charge for ala carte purchases at any time. Non-students, including adults, teachers and staff, will not be allowed to charge at any time. 

    After the charging limit has been reached, a courtesy meal will be offered to the student. A courtesy meal at breakfast includes a piece of toast, a choice of milk and any fruit or vegetable the student has chosen as part of their meal. A courtesy meal for lunch includes the daily sandwich and a choice of milk and any fruits or vegetables the student has chosen as part of their meal.

    Parents/ guardians are responsible for the meal payment to the child nutrition program. As a student balance approaches zero, the child nutrition staff will verbally alert the student. In addition, notices of low and deficient balance will be sent to parents/ guardians at regular intervals during the school year. Parents/ guardians are also encouraged to monitor balances through Family Access.

    If a student is without money on a consistent basis, the administration will investigate the situation more closely and take further action as needed. If financial hardship exists, parents and families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced-price meals for their child throughout the school year.


    Nutrition Policy

    For a complete listing of all current policies and updates, please visit the TDA website at www.squaremeals.org.

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Educational Information

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

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